Updates on 5th Asia Conference

WFD RSA is pleased to announce that Singapore is extending the early bird registration till 30 September in celebration of International Week of the Deaf.

The early bird conference fee are as follows:
1) International – USD 200.00
2) Southeast Asia – USD 150.00

We are delighted to have the honour of World Federation of the Deaf President, Mr Colin Allen and Dr Debra Russell, President of World Association of Sign Language Interpreters to give keynote presentation on the topic: WFD and WASLI working in partnership with global Deaf community and sign language interpreters community.

Please refer to the EDM for your information. Kindly disseminate good news to your Deaf Community and encourage them to express their interest to attend 5th WFD Asia Conference. In addition, we would like you to share www.wfdasia2016.sg on your association’s official facebook page.

Thanks to Singapore for extending their support to ensure that everyone from Southeast Asia can come and have a good time with us!

We look forward to seeing you in Singapore!